Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Gestational Diabeties and already missing my pregnancy

I normally skip out of my appointments with my consultant and this time it just didnt happen. I guess I was just having too good a time!

First off Baby Grace is measureing far too big, and secondly my consultnat wants to take out my stich at 34 weeks!!!! How early is that.

I just couldnt pick myself up out of feeling so down. I love being pregnant so much and to have someone cut it short feels unfair! I know that I might make it a bit further than that but and Im stamping my feet here.....! I want a fluffy warm labour at 37weeks! I dont get it!
I didnt have time to question it, he was running an impressive 2 hours late in his clinic.

And the to top it off, maybe it has something to do with the fact Grace is measuring off the scale! I have to go back next week to have my blood glucose checked and then see what happens!!!

I also want some really nice photos to remind me of my pregnancy but DP seems to just shrug it off, i have this feeling like I sound like a child saying I want I want, but its my only chance to do this and I want some lovely memories of this specail time!
Right I think Im annoying myself now!

Moan over, we have a lovely weekend ahead of us and thats whats importnat right now!

1 comment:

Dani Magestro said...

I just found out I may have GD. Im about to post about it.

I have fingers crossed for you xo