Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Well I am now 6 days past ovulaiton (6dpo) and I have had a horrid day which has left me with nausea and having eaten rubbish all day. And anyone that knows me knows that that is not me at all!!! So now I have convinced myself that Im pregnant! And the truth is that Im probably not as the timing wasnt that good!

I am trying not to stalk Fertility Friend and do things that actually need doing!!! But I keep saying...Im tired and I have had a really bad day....etc.....but I may get of my butt in a minute and get ready for the weekend!!! We are going away and its the first time we have left DS for the whole weekend and im really excited but also we are both a bit worried! Its a long way to go (london!)

So thats it we are of to London and we are going to have a meal with my Dad, step mother, brother and Sistler in Law. Which should be really nice. I dont have chance to see my family and I know that it should be a time for just us but since we seem to spend so much time with DP's family why shouldnt we see mine!! Ok Im moaning!!!!

Well must go and do some of the things that need doing!!! Yeah right!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Well this has to be quick, DP and DS are out but only for a while and Im supposed to be working on an assignment for a course Im doing.

Well ben very busym done 3 inseminations and been to see George Micheal. I cant say how excited I am about both!

But my tempreture went back down today which means that I may not have ovulated on the day I thought and that could mean that the little swimmers dont meet the egg. But I have to be realxed about this and hope that they stay up there and it may mean a girl if they have to swim harder!!

Well we have an exciting day of DIY and cleaning ahead! And Im going to try and not think about the Two week wait Im now in to see if it worked this month!!

It has to be the longest two weeks but hopefully worth it.

Hopefully more time and something more exciting to write next time!!!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Still calm and happy!

Well I have sorted with donor when we are going to inseminate and this is making me feel very happy. They are so cool! I wish I could clone them for everyone who had to use a donor so they could enjoy the happy family that we have.

DP out at work again and I have been trying to write an assingment for work and although its done I'm not so sure that its any good!

Im also watching tv which is bad, I should be reading some more...not updating my blog or watching tv!!!

We had a fab day yesterday, walking in the rain with some friends and then tea and cake in a nearby pub. We were above the most amazing hills in yorkshire and the view from the pub was amazing!!! DS was the bell of the ball and everyone wanted to hold him. His smile melts everyones hearts but espcially his mummy's!!!

Im so proud that he is my son and I love everything about him....gush gush!!!!

Well I only have two more days at work this week....loveing part time! And then its a day at the weigh in clinic and then swimming with some of DP's new mummy friends who have now adopted me! So thats making me happy as well!!!!

Well off for now!!!

Happy thoughts for everyone!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Not sure I can post on my blog everyday!

Well its Sunday and DS is having a morning nap so i am grabbing 5 mins to catch up!

Well I got my period and it looks like that we will be trying again next month, although my cycle is not long so we dont have to wait a long time!

Although it seems as though DP's family have worked out we are trying again and so more pressure is on! But I am trying to be more realxed and see it as more as it will happen when it happens. And there is so much going on that when it is difficult I have to remember that there is much more that needs my attention.

I guess what I mean is I cant be wrapped up in myself, I still have a realationship to keep going and a son to take care of. And extending the family is important but maintaing family life is just if not more important.

I miss DP so much whislt she is at work and DS and I were so happy when she got home last night, we all sat by the fire and played for 30 mins before we gave DS his bath and bed time milk together. The stuff that dreams are made of, a life that is like picture postcards. Exactly what and how I want my life to be.

So we start inseminating again a week today and I am going to try and post on here as much as I can just so I can remember what this is all like!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Never thought I would make a blog!

But here I am and it seems like a good idea to diary what is happening in my world and maybe somone will read it and be able to share the same feelings!

So today I have started my second week at work at part time and I am fast learning that part timers are not really that popular!! Im sure I never felt this way or acted as if they were some sort of hassle to everyone else!!

Never mind I get to spend more time with DS (darling son) and thats the most important thing...the only other draw back is how am I going to fund my obsession with shoesnow I dont earn as much!!!

And to the real important thing....am I feeling pregnant? No not really...I hope that the test day comes soon!!!!! Its the most difficult time and I just hope this month is the BFP!!