Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Gestational Diabeties and already missing my pregnancy

I normally skip out of my appointments with my consultant and this time it just didnt happen. I guess I was just having too good a time!

First off Baby Grace is measureing far too big, and secondly my consultnat wants to take out my stich at 34 weeks!!!! How early is that.

I just couldnt pick myself up out of feeling so down. I love being pregnant so much and to have someone cut it short feels unfair! I know that I might make it a bit further than that but and Im stamping my feet here.....! I want a fluffy warm labour at 37weeks! I dont get it!
I didnt have time to question it, he was running an impressive 2 hours late in his clinic.

And the to top it off, maybe it has something to do with the fact Grace is measuring off the scale! I have to go back next week to have my blood glucose checked and then see what happens!!!

I also want some really nice photos to remind me of my pregnancy but DP seems to just shrug it off, i have this feeling like I sound like a child saying I want I want, but its my only chance to do this and I want some lovely memories of this specail time!
Right I think Im annoying myself now!

Moan over, we have a lovely weekend ahead of us and thats whats importnat right now!

Friday, November 21, 2008

I made it to 24 weeks!!!!!!!

Yes I did it! I made it past the point that I lost Archie. I am happy and Im sad. I still think about how I could have saved him, but how that wasnt really possible and how guilty I feel when I feel excited about my new baby.

I dont have much time as I have to pick up the little man so this is it. Just a celebration of how far I have come and how excited I am about going much further.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Something I just cant talk about right now

Well Ive had a horrid week with one of my brothers and I dont have the time nor can I process it enough right now. I have spent too much time worrying about it this week and hate him (strong I know) for all of this to happen right now. Next week im 23 weeks and thats the week I lost Archie. I need to be happy but I think I deserve to be happy and his selfishness and lack of understanding for other humans leaves me feeling let down and upset.

Bottom line he has been homophobic. I cant stand it, just cant believe he doesnt get it!

Thats all I can say right now.

As for everything else, Grace seems to be happy and is kicking her Mummy Jen, it even took my breath away this morning! And Taylor is as happy as happy can be! I have started my christmas shopping and I am more in love with my wife than ever.

I think I am lucky to be tucked far away from my brother in the north. I shall let him fester in London!

I have tried to add more blogs to my list but it wont let me add some!!! So will keep trying!

Once I can I will write all about my brother but for now, thats all I can say!