Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Im Now pregnant!

Well I had totally forgotton that I started this! I had also started a paper diary but this will be much quicker seeing as I actually type quicker than I write!

Sad but true!

So there is lots and lots that has happend but breifly.....I got a BFP! I then spotted for 9 days, I was off work for 2 weeks then I had a scan at 6weeks and 4 days of 3 days depending who you are me or the docs!

I was then told that I have a bicornuate uterus. This means that I have a funny shaped uterus!

So this could mean anything....I could miscarrige, but thats worse case...or I could have to have a c section or I may have a pre term labour.

But we shall see I have an apointment with my midwife on Thursday.

DP as always is being amazing and is allowing me to take it easy as possible!

So I will fill in.

Here is my daily symptoms update......no nausea, boobs are sore. Not really to say which in itself worries me so I tested and it was positive so thats good!

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